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Decorative Vent Covers - Sausalito Purhaus

Decorative Vent Covers - Sausalito Purhaus

Decorative vent covers in the Sausalito Purhaus project is one of our latest projects is a beautiful modern, healthy home in the San Francisco Bay Area. SausalitoPurhaus is being built by McDonald Construction & Development (a SF Bay Area leader in LEED home construction) and combines the concept of purist, modern design, with a focus on health.

Our clear anodized kul grille floor registers were selected as the perfect accent to this minimal, modern masterpiece. We look forward to bringing you more photos once the project is completed. 

Full details on the project can be found here:

vent covers anodized clear finish clean minimalistic modern home by Sausalito Purhaus kulgrillesfloor register anodized clear finish clean white minimalistic modern home by Sausalito Purhaus kulgrilles

Clear anodized kul grille floor registers being used on the SausalitoPurhaus project

air vent cover anodized clear finish close up modern home by Sausalito Purhaus kulgrilles

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